Tuesday 27 April 2010

Are you willing?

A Cane Corso is not a Labrador Retriever.  This breed requires your dedication and committment until the end.  I'm not an expert, I do not have a PhD or any other certificate.  These are merely things I do with my Corso and I'm offering them to you as information in your quest.

Are you willing to make the time to socialize and obedience train this dog every day?  My dog and baby boy are never left alone in a room for two reasons, one, Joshua is a baby, two, Tiesto is a baby.  Neither one know what to do with the other, my job as the adult/alpha is to make sure that neither do the wrong thing. If you think this isn't something to be taken too seriously, then please get a parakeet.  Any breed is capable of hurting a baby or adult.  If you think that by getting a certain breed you won't have to worry about supervising your dog with your baby, think again. The most frightening and tragic thing I have recently read is about a 6 week old baby that was mauled to death by a Pomeranian!(see Dog Bite Law web page: Children as Victims of dogbites ) So please understand that no matter the breed you are going to have to be vigilant, your baby is your most precious treasure make no assumptions of their safety.

I am alone alot with Joshua, when Tiesto and I are going out socializing and working obedience, Joshua rides in a back pack on my back or in my baby KTan, so there is no excuse for not getting out and working your dog.

Are you willing to get the knowledge?  Have you read any REALLY good books about training and raising a puppy? Are you willing to take your puppy to a class with you each week so that you can ensure a great adult dog? Are you willing to not only admit you don't know what you are doing but to go out and learn what you are supposed to be doing?  There are great resources out there but I use the book by Gwen Bailey called How to Raise the Perfect Puppy.  You can get this from Amazon.com. Also, Tiesto and I go to classes at Pet Smart and they are really good and Pet Smart is most every where.  Please get signed up for a class as SOON as the dog is fully vaccinated.  Until vaccinations are complete take him out in your arms to get socialized, make wild sounds in your house with buckets of rocks and music and dancing wildly about.  Play with your kids how you are going to play with them and make sure the dog gets desensitized.  I had company with children over.  He stayed in the cage until everyone was settled in and then with my strict supervision he came out and sniffed around and met everyone, then laid down on his carpet chewing his toy while all the babies and adults made noise.  Your dog has to get socialized to your life, period, this takes work. If any of your guests are apprehensive of your dog, keep your dog crated.  Their nervousness will affect your dog as well and so don't let Fido feel that from them. This will give Fido the opportunity to understand that he isn't always welcome at parties, he can just listen and watch.  This will be very good for you in the future too, as a family you might have something that you need to focus on and your pup will be happy and safe in his crate.  Which brings up another point, Crate Training, I would be lost without it and so would a myraid of my things. There are loads of articles out there about Crate Training, just do a search in google and pick your favorite.

Again, these are just things that I do.  These work for me and I'm not expert with any certificates or degrees.  As a Cane Corso owner to one who is considering it I am giving you the gift of my experience, do with it what you will. If you decide to get a Corso, please get one from a respectable breeder, one who loves the breed more than your money and will help you when you need it.  I love Ballard Cane Corso and Tiesto is one of theirs.  Tiesto is five months old and I will post things about him and his life with us here from time to time.  Maybe this will help give people a clear picture of what it is like to live with and love a Corso.

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