Tuesday 27 April 2010

Freedom has a name, it is Tiesto!

I do not know why they say that dogs are a man's best friend. Personally, I had never met a male who was a dog person like myself until I met Mr. Ballard.  That is saying alot since 50% of the population I run into daily is male and I am in my 30s. However, as a female I can say that I have met loads of female dog people but none quite as nuts as I am for dogs.  A few have come close.

I have had a Great Dane, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and now a Corso.  This does not include the countless mutts and drop offs I had on the farm growing up.  To say that Dogs were my friends growing up would be an accurate description.  I was afraid of mankind because they tended to hurt me, so I withdrew into animals hard core and by highschool that was complete, I did not take any chances with people and those that I did, well, sorry to say I ended up hurting! So by the Marine Corps I was very skittish around people and did not let very many near my heart.  I was also very afraid of "bad people." I was so glad that the Marines taught me to fight for myself and so got over most of that fear.  There is something to be said for hand to hand combat skills that can stop a man.  Besides, I had thrown 6 foot men in training so what was there to be afraid of?

Most of that bravery came from the fact that I lived in the barracks surrounded by Marines and so did not realize I still needed a dog to sleep until I moved out on my own.  That was when I got Tigger, my wonderful awesome Staffordshire Bull Terrier(do not believe anything the media says about Bull Terriers of any make, lazy ignorant owners make bad dogs not the breed), she past away last August 3, and I was in the dog free zone.  As my husband is not a dog person we had made this deal, as long as Mark had to put up with a dog, I would have to put up with life without a dog.  However, we were not planning on Mark being away so much!  Many sleepless nights went by as I toured the house at every noise with a bat.  I started running to relatives' houses and staying there.  Finally, there was a straw that broke the camel's back. I was trapped at home and not sleeping for a few weeks in a row.  A long discussion later and some powerful praying later, my husband softened and a Corso was going to come into our home.

I am not so worried about protecting myself anymore, but my son.  He is my most priceless sweet son and I could not bear the thought of someone besting me to get to him!  This was the cause of my anxiety. However, they would have to get up real early and eat lots of wheaties before they could best a Corso.

That is when I met the Ballards, awesome people who love the breed very much! They breed wonderful Corsos and are very knowledgable about the breed and are willing to share that knowledge not to mention their time to help when one needs it! They entrusted to me, Tiesto!

I had no idea how much my home had become a prison to me without the aid of a dog.  I really think that Tiesto should qualify as an assistance dog, because he truly assists me in leaving the house! Just the other day I was laying in the yard with Joshua on my tummy(yes, even the yard was scary to me), we were both facing the sky and looking at the clouds while Tiesto laid beside us. I breathed in the relaxation deeply, no fear, because if someone came into our yard it was not me they were going to have to deal with. I walk through the car park at night with Joshua and Tiesto, with no fear, because it is not my job to protect and Tiesto is so very good at his job already! For instance, we were walking out of a store and Joshua was riding my back.  Tiesto became very hesitant and would not walk by my side, he kept pulling us back and to the right.  I couldn't fathom what was going on with him when I noticed a couple verbally fighting on our left near us. Tiesto noticed before I did and was trying to move us away, he is only five months old! That is amazing to me and so freeing! I don't have to be the protector, I can be the nuturer and caretaker.  I can enjoy the day and be free of assessing and reassessing situations to make sure there is no danger to Joshua! So now I go anywhere anytime! I am not trapped like I was before, I'm even planning a road trip with Joshua and Tiesto!  Something I would never have done with out Tiesto.

So I guess freedom has a name, Tiesto!

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