Thursday 20 May 2010

Puberty Begins!

Many people get a puppy of any breed and think they are so perfect and training is going so well. In fact, they are not sure how they ever lived without their puppy. Then it happens; puberty. Puppies from the ages of six to nine months are those most likely to get rehomed because they no longer listen to anything!

That I was taken by surprise surprised me because I had lived through dog adolescence with Tigger! For whatever reason, I was surprised and enraged at Tiesto for losing his mind and not listening to anything. I became very worried that he was broken and then remembered the three months of hell with Tigger. Thankfully, dogs only have three months of this crap! Humans do this for four; and some never move beyond adolescence! So never give up and never surrender, go back to the basics and stay the course!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Back To the Basics!

Okay, so I have had to start over at square one with this pup. Today he pretended that he had no idea how to come and would instead like to follow the fox terrier named Wrinkles! I couldn’t believe it, that was when I realized I was without a treat bag. Once I had regained my succulent morsel laden bag he happily came when called! Only dilly dallying a bit to make sure that Wrinkles was not in fact just out of sight over a wee hill!

He did great all day yesterday but by last night was a different dog! So I had to restart my use of the house lead. The good news is that once I went back to the basics with him and continued to enforce the rules he has responded. I remembered Judy(Tiesto and I’s trainer at Pet Smart) saying that if ever your dog starts not listening to you go back to the beginning. Tiesto really seemed to appreciate the easy that was the basics for him. It is almost like the overwhelming newness of it all meant easing up just a bit on obedience until he settles. Even after two days I have been able to resume where we were at with obedience before arriving. So when you think your dog has lost its mind, go back a bit in training and he’ll come right back to where you both were!

Another amazing thing is that you can change the environment but do not change the routine! Tiesto always takes a nap when Joshua does at home. I tried to change that yesterday and it did not work out. He also always goes to sleep no later than 2100, I tried to change that yesterday and again the outcome was not good. Now, one would probably believe that I had known this based on the fact that I am a Mom and I strive for a routine with Joshua no matter what crazy adventure we are on. Well, it would seem that holds true for puppies too!

He is doing very well today and is even learning that Wrinkles does not welcome his sniffs, play times or kisses at any time ever during any moment of the day or night. Haha But he is a bit slow on this point, fortunately for him, Wrinkles is a very patient teacher.

We had our normal outside time this morning with Joshua and Tiesto and I think it helped them both. It is funny how I realized that since I was in a freakin’ cold place compared to home I didn’t want to go outside, but the littluns still did. So out we go! They were both in much better spirits after our outdoor adventure!

It is very different traveling with a Corso than a Staffie, my last traveling companion. Tiesto does not make friends naturally with anyone and has to be introduced to everyone. This is hard because they just see growling beast and not 5 month old puppy trying to make sure they understand his family is VERY dear to him. My husband said it best,

“I didn’t know a dog could imprint, but he has with you, that is for sure.” I laughed because until Tiesto, I had no idea they could either. However, he is most assuredly my dog! I don’t ever have to worry about someone stealing him and arguing that he is theirs because once he caught smell of me the gig would be up! Course, who would steal a dog that is the size of a baby hippo, seriously!

It’s a Grand Adventure!

Well, the first rule of road tripping with your new Corso is that all the rules you’ve taught them so far will be left at home. This is because home is all they know! We arrived to the Residence Inn at the Nashville Airport and got our room. It was an awesome room, the Penthouse, they called it. I highly recommend them if you are traveling with your pet!

So, I realized quickly that Tiesto did not know where the boundaries of our new home were located. He started barking/growling at everyone that moved because he logically deduced that he was the ruler of all that he saw. I walked him around and made him do his training like he was at home or in Pet Smart. This quickly helped him to associate the people there like the people at Pet Smart, potential petter/treat givers! Even towards the end of our three days he was fine with people when we were out and about, but gave warnings to those that came close to our porch. Although they became more and more half hearted warnings until they were tiny throat rasps of “I don’t think you matter but just in case” sounds. Tiesto is a natural protector and so he tries to figure out people’s motives, where they are supposed to be located and what my boundaries are. That is what I have noticed.

So I have taken it upon myself to teach him that my boundaries are very penetrable. Another words, I try to meet people and talk to them when we are out and about. This gets him to understand that talking is okay. I try to introduce myself and shake their hand, this gets him to understand that there are acceptable forms of touching. People lift and love on Joshua, so Tiesto understands that there are people who can pick up Joshua. This whole time, Tiesto is learning what nice people “look” like and feel like. He is noting their stance, smell, emotional climate and mine as I interact with them. These are great notes for a natural protector so they know when they see the real thing – a bad person! This is all part of socialization, however, if you choose a natural protector dog it must be done all the more intensely.

He liked the neighbors and thought Shitzus were funny. I told him not to be intimidated by their looks, maintenance level or their size, he is perfect just the way he is. I thought that it might be good to clear that up, in case, Shitzus were the dog world equivelant of supermodels! Haha

We left after three days and he was a smashing apartment dog. Now, grant it, we sought out grass to play in but Tiesto adjusted quickly to the smaller living space.

We arrived at my parents’ house in South MO and they have two dogs. One is absolutely adorable and lives outside, that is Babe. One is cute, lives inside and is 18 years old, that is Wrinkles. She is slightly cantankerous is that one. I figure at 126 years old in human time, she can be as cantankerous as she wants. Tiesto does not understand why she doesn’t like him. He is Italian and handsome, but she does not want him around and this baffles him completely! So I have to continually tell him to stay away and he is learning. He tries to taste test the toys here, in case they aren’t off limits here like at home. I have taught him, nope, Joshua’s toys are off limits here too. He wants to play with Babe and Wrinkles outside, I tell him no and had to crate him because in 24 hours he has learned to open the front door and was attempting to do just that. He is sad that he is left out. Babe is bigger than Wrinkles but smaller than Tiesto by a lot! So she was playing with him but then realized that he wasn’t really a dog, he was a monster and didn’t want to play with him any more! So he is on his own and I can tell he is sad by that. However, we’ve been relearning house rules, training in the yard and in the house. We have been playing lots of fetch and he is getting his energy out from the long trip. I figure after a few days he will settle, just like at the apartment. I will write more on that later.

Thursday 6 May 2010

Introducing Sir Joshua the Genius and his trusty sidekick, Tiesto!

Well, looking back on my life as a wed babiless sort I have realized three things. One, I got way too much sleep and was very lazy. Two, I was very irresponsible! I believe I did not grow up until they handed me Joshua! No mother should take on a dog and a son unless she is a bit loopy, very head strong and does not have a job outside of homemakeing.

So what does a day in the life look like! Well, today was hilariuos for several reasons. One, Joshua and Two Tiesto! I've dubbed them Sir Joshua the Genius and his trusty sidekick, Tiesto. The reason shall become apparent.

Joshua and I had to get up and leave in a rush to get to the Honda place for the car to get her check up. We dropped it off 20 minutes late, apologizing profusely and then scurried to Denny's for breakfast. Joshua didn't really eat yesterday so I thought I would get him a grand slam(and share it with him, of course) to celebrate his recovery. We did just that and he was visiting nicely with the folk at the next table who affirmed my suspicions that he is a genius. He was very cordial until their food came before ours. It was at that point that he began such a scuffle in my lap to get down and go over and get their food that it looked like I hadn't fed him since Sunday!! So, I thought he was going to scarf down breakfast with all the speed and enthusiasm of Tiesto after any thing Joshua drops. So the Slam arrives and Joshua eats 1.5 pieces of Toast and one sausage. That is it! (Later he ate two more as elevenzies) So we(I) ate the rest of the breakfast and paid our bill and left. The waitress was really nice and helped me so much! Don't worry I tipped her. We really needed a little spoiling after yesterday.

So then we walked around a little bit and back to Honda to get our Goldie(Goldie Hawnda, get it?). We were off home. So then down for a nap. 1 hour later, he is awake and doesn't know what he wants, drink, eat, mommy, playing, not playing . . .so we watch baby signs while he decides. That made him happy.

Then off to the vet for the other baby. Tiesto, all 73 pounds of him climbed into my car. And we were off. When we arrived, Mark called and I spoke to him while I put the baby in the back pack, the back pack on my back, around to the other side of the car, get the dog, the grocery bag full of paperwork and my wallet, said goodbye to my husband. I went to put the phone in the center console and bumped(not hard) my baby's head on the roof while pulling the car door close to my butt because the dog had walked around to the other side of the bloody car door so when I pulled him close I was shutting us into the car! So now I had a screaming 16 month old on my back in my back pack. So around the leg went the leash, off the back came the back pack, out of the back pack came the baby and there was much consoleing.(Are you all rolling on the floor laughing yet?) So then we all get put back together and I am already sweating, so much for looking like the Mary Kay lady that has it all together.(Did I mention it was like 80 in the shade today?) We go into the vets, where my normally confident and bouncey pup decides that he has never been to this place before(this is true) and so he was going to go slooowwwwllllyyyyy into the building. I had arrived 15 minutes early, but had used up most of that time getting whipped in the car park! So I get up to the check in desk and the place is freakin' hoppin' like a bar in Harrogate on Saturday night!

So an hour later, every thing done we are on our way home. I have been trying to teach Tiesto that when Fetch is done it is done, that means no freakin' trying to grab the bloody toys out of my hands. I apparently needed to have a come to Jesus with him about it because Joshua, who would not go to sleep to save his life, was wanting me to pick him up.(Later, I realized because he wanted Tiesto's toys) He was on the back porch and I was walking up to him and told Tiesto all done. However, he decided that I was distracted with Joshua and so he was going to make a grab. In so doing, he pushed Joshua onto his bum, before I could grab Joshua, or move the dog(because they out number me) Joshua laid back onto the porch with a tiny bump(this is why it is funny, no one was injured in the making of this insanity) and just laid there screaming. While Tiesto, believing he had me right where he wanted me(he is having a wheaties week) kept grabbing at the toys. I put the toys on the table and snatched up Joshua. The dog(now tall enough to reach over the table) sniffs madly round the table like some nut and I'm striving not to destroy the fur baby because he has no idea it was his fault! Joshua was fine as soon as I picked him up because as I soon realized he got what he wanted, his mom to stop playing with Tiesto and play with him and give him Tiesto's toys! I was shocked! They both try to play me all freakin' day!

At this realization I marched into the house with dog and baby and made Joshua play with his own toys and Tiesto play with his own toys. However, as I played ball with Joshua, Tiesto became increaseingly annoying trying to get in the game. Joshua and I crawled all over him for a bit and petted him and fussed him up. Then we resumed our game, Tiesto just got up, walked over and took the ball! He knows that is going to get him in trouble, so into the crate he goes. This goes on all day every day and I feel confident that Joshua and Tiesto are going to figure out at some point that if they stop trying to vie for attention and steal each others' toys life is a very peaceful place!

Joshua still wouldn't sleep but today is Tiesto bath day(this happens every fifth of the month so he can get his flea treatment on the sixth of the month). The funny thing about these two is while they go back and forth over toys, Tiesto follows him every where and Joshua loves catching a pet whenever he can. He even loves kissing him! It is adorable, in a lot of ways they remind me of siblings! For instance, while at the vet's office they had to do some tests on Tiesto, naturally, he got upset and tense, Joshua realizing that started crying in the back pack, which got Tiesto more upset. Another nurse had to be called and then it was sorted! So bath time, Joshua was overloaded from the day(who wouldn't be?) and was crying in the play pen next to the tub. I'm knee deep in the tub with my beast bathing him and Tiesto is so happy about this bath! I couldn't believe it. But for some reason chose to leap out of the deep jacuzzi tub! I had lifted the 73 pounds into the tub, now I had to get out and lift 75 pounds(cause he is dripping wet) back into the tub. I managed to do that without going head first in after him, but only because I caught myself on the side. Joshua wanted to be in the same tub that yesterday he told me off for putting him into! I was like, honestly, Joshua! Well, I did not put him in the tub with us because I know that three in a tub is bad. Didn't the baker, the butcher and the candlestick maker disappear down a river that way?

So my clothes wet through the dog bathed and happy, the baby screaming mad, we all went back outside to watch the sunlight fade and hear the birds settle for the night and watch the "birds that drink blood" come out. I say that because I saw a misquito going to Joshua, he saw it and made the bird sign. I died laughing, "Yes, Joshua they are the size of birds here." I snatched him up and we were all back inside safe and sound! Whew! What a day! It is days like this that remind me that I need to pray more!

Saturday 1 May 2010

Funny Day

Tiesto was thinking this evening,
"Pupdate 001.1 Today was train well, but a bit stubbornly.  Test mommy to make sure that ALL the boundaries she put into place from the first day still hold.  Yep, crocs are still off limits, still can't play with Joshua's toys, I still have to wait for him to throw my ball.  I still can't use my teeth to play with either of them. I still can't chew on Daddy's slippers and funny enough, I STILL have to practice all that Puppy Kindergarten stuff! Sigh, I thought for sure she was going to break if I just wore her down. Tomorrow must try to kill the noise and light machine mommy called a TV.  Have to destroy more of the round floaty objects that come out of the machine mommy wields."

Mommy was thinking this evening,
"Whew, what a day! Baby sick, puppy testing . . .awww but the Baby Signs movie was nice with Joshua practicing all the baby signs and Tiesto chewing his toy at our feet staring at the TV as if he were plotting on it and wasn't it great how Joshua laughed watching Tiesto race like a crazy man after the bubbles! Great day!"