Thursday 20 May 2010

Puberty Begins!

Many people get a puppy of any breed and think they are so perfect and training is going so well. In fact, they are not sure how they ever lived without their puppy. Then it happens; puberty. Puppies from the ages of six to nine months are those most likely to get rehomed because they no longer listen to anything!

That I was taken by surprise surprised me because I had lived through dog adolescence with Tigger! For whatever reason, I was surprised and enraged at Tiesto for losing his mind and not listening to anything. I became very worried that he was broken and then remembered the three months of hell with Tigger. Thankfully, dogs only have three months of this crap! Humans do this for four; and some never move beyond adolescence! So never give up and never surrender, go back to the basics and stay the course!

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